Why did I write an Open Missive to Archbishop Samuel Kledaon the Beatification Cause of Cardinal Christian Wigyhan Tumi (Shufaay Kintam)?

By Nchumbonga George Lekelefac

On Monday, April 3, 2023, I wrote a 32-page Open Missive to Archbishop Samuel Kleda, Archbishop of the Archdiocese of Douala regarding the need to begin gathering documentation for the introduction of the Beatification Cause of Cardinal Christian Wigyhan Tumi (Shufaay Kintam) on the second anniversary of his passing into glory. Cardinal Tumi passed on to glory on April 3, 2021 at the ripe age of 90 and was buried on Tuesday, April 20 at the Saints Peter and Paul Cathedral. During the Ecclesiastical funeral, many assured Cardinal Tumi, in front of his remains that his precious fight led until his death for Cameroon and for Africa, will continue.

From the various testimonies and other speeches delivered on this occasion, we remember that Cardinal Tumi marked the men and women of his time with his great generosity. The members of civil society took the solemn decision to perpetuate the values of unity, dialogue, listening, courage and respect, values dear to Cardinal Tumi who has always encouraged them in their initiatives in favor of democracy, respect for human rights and improvement of the national socio-political climate. The populations of the English-speaking area, who also came en masse, signified that the Cardinal was their patriarch as well as their icon of unity, impartiality and cultural and national integration.

With this premise therefore of the immortal legacies of the practice of the cardinal virtues of Fortitude, Justice, Temperance, Prudence and the theological virtues of faith, hope and charity by Cardinal Tumi, I wrote the open missive, in which I elaborated that Christian Cardinal Tumi (S.T.L., Lyon, France; Ph.D., Fribourg, Switzerland; Doctor Honoris Causa, Catholic University of Yaoundé, Central Africa); pioneer rector of Saint Thomas Aquinas Major Seminary, Bambui; first bishop of the diocese of Yagoua, first Cameroonian intrepid cardinal whose voice was respected worldwide; Cameroon’s most outspoken, unfaltering, unswerving, unflagging bishop with an unwavering faith, hope and charity; first Cameroon Cardinal to be kidnapped at 90 in world history for his quest for peace and dialogue; bold and fearless Churchman; a man whose name is synonymous to courage, humility, simplicity, service to mankind, truth and transparency; highly distinguished beacon of integrity for more than four decades; archbishop emeritus of Douala (Cameroon) was a genuine pastor who by virtue of his holy life and enlightened teachings of the truth – the Gospel of Jesus Christ handed down to the people of God in Cameroon a particular legacy of admiration and affection which is known worldwide and which has been attested by people from different background and status in the church.

Cardinal Tumi is a spiritual sentinel who from heaven continues to guide the way of the pilgrim Church through time in Cameroon and Africa. In order to keep ever alive, the memory of Cardinal Christian Tumi, faithful pastor who was outstanding in the exercise of his priestly, episcopal ministry in Cameroon, the Synodal Assembly recommended that particular Churches like the Archdiocese of Douala where you serve as the head should make the lives of these Bishops known to the faithful you’re your predecessor, Christian Cardinal Tumi, through updated biographies and, when the case warrants, consider the possibility of introducing their cause for canonization. (Cf. PastoresGregis, number 29)

It is with this premise of Pastoresgregis number 29 subtitled “The Bishop, Servant of the Gospel of Jesus Christ for the Hope of the World,” an post-synod apostolic exhortation released on October 16, 2003 by Pope Saint John Paul II that I humbly approached Archbishop Kleda across the oceans to bring to his attention the important need for the Archdiocese of Douala to begin with the paper work for the documentation of the life and works of Christian Cardinal Tumi for his cause of beatification in the form of documented interviews.

We know that the process of documenting the life and virtues of a holy pastor of souls like Cardinal Tumi cannot begin until 5 years after his death, that is, until April 3, 2026 since Cardinal Tumi died on April 3, 2021. This waiting period insures that the person has an enduring reputation for sanctity among the faithful. It can be waived by the Supreme Pontiff, and has been done on two occasions. Pope John Paul II waived 3 years of the waiting period in the case of Mother Teresa of Calcutta, and Pope Benedict XVI waived all five years in the case of his predecessor, Pope John Paul II. After the five years have concluded, or earlier if all or some of the period is waived, the Bishop of the diocese in which the individual died can petition the Holy See to allow the initialization of a Cause for Beatification and Canonization. If there is no objection by the Roman Dicasteries, in particular the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, the permission, or nihil obstat (nothing stands in the way), is communicated to the initiating Bishop.

However, I told Archbishop Samuel Kleda that it was my humble wish that the Archdiocese of Douala COULD begin as early as possible with the collection of  testimonies in the form of interviews for documentation on the life of Christian Cardinal Tumi (who distinguished his life by putting into practice the cardinal virtues of Justice, Prudence, Temperance, fortitude and the theological virtues of faith, hope and love) so that by April 3, 2026, the Archdiocese of Douala will be ready to petition his cause of beatification to the Dicastery of the Canonization of Saints in Rome.

In just two years after his death, Cardinal Tumi has enjoyed an enduring reputation for sanctity among the faithful in Cameroon and abroad as you would find in the tributes on Cardinal Tumi. Logic says that in philosophical disputation an argument from authority is the weakest argument, that the ipse dixit (a dogmatic and unproven statement) should be accepted only after minute scrutiny. But when you have an authority with such indisputable and undisputed credentials like Christian Cardinal Tumi, the rules are reversed, and the word of such a master mind becomes far superior to whatever mediocre intellectual can propound.

I informed Archbishop Kleda that I am so elated to know that Christian Cardinal Tumi formed him as a seminarian in the North of Cameroon in the 80s. As the then archbishop of Garoua, Cameroon from March 17, 1984 to August 31, 1991, he ordained Archbishop Kleda as priest on March 9, 1986 at 27 for the Archdiocese of Garoua in the North region; he sent him to Rome for biblical studies to best equip you prepare you for your priestly ministry; he consecrated him on February 18, 2001 at 42 as bishop of Batouri diocese in Cameroon and he succeeded Cardinal Tumi on November 17, 2009 at 50 as archbishop of Douala, Cameroon.  Told Archbishop Kleda that this was a clear indication and evidence that his story could not be written without the name of Christian Cardinal Tumi. This is significantly important, I noted to Archbishop Kleda as it will facilitate the process of documentation given the fact that he best knows the personality of Christian Cardinal Tumi, who was his bishop and spiritual father.

In the open missive, I narrated my four encounters with Cardinal Tumi. In my fourth encounter, I had the grace to interview cardinal Tumi which could be found on u tube:

Part 1: Research Interview with Cardinal Tumi on Dr. Prof. Fonlon, Douala, October 26, 2020, in: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pGU6rzThU_Y

Part 2: Research Interview with Cardinal Tumi on Dr. Prof. Fonlon, Douala, October 26, 2020, in:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1VCn4R7nCEE

Part 3: Research Interview with Cardinal Tumi on Dr. Prof. Fonlon, Douala, October 26, 2020, in:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQDBR1aBHb4

I went further to elucidate the two future saints who influenced Cardinal Tumi: Prof. Dr. Bernard Fonlon and Archbishop Paul Verdzekov in the life of His Eminence Christian Cardinal Tumi, he was highly influenced by two future saints in the Ecclesiastical Province of Bamenda whose cause of beatification I am crusading: Prof. Dr. Fonlon and Archbishop Paul Verdzekov. It is unfortunate that Prof. Dr. Bernard Fonlon’scase of canonization is still to be formally introduced by Bishop George Nkuo, bishop of Kumbow hile that of Archbishop Paul Verdzekov is still to be formally introduced by Archbishop Andrew Nkea, archbishop of Bamenda. Then, I gave a brief biography of Christian Cardinal Tumi. After, I elaborated on the Immortal Legacies of Cardinal Christian Tumi and his Contributions to the Church in Cameroon.

Last but not the least, I offered two humble suggestions to Archbishop Kleda in the following words: “Dear Archbishop Kleda, the foregone evidences and contributions of Cardinal Tumi are enough justifications to begin documentation for the beatification process of Cardinal Tumi.  It is therefore my humble wish that the Communications Office of the Archdiocese of Douala and the Catholic Television of the Archdiocese of Douala could produce a video documentary of testimonies on the life of Cardinal Tumi thereby emulating the example of Diocese of Bafoussam who have produced a professional documentary of late Archbishop Wouking titled: “Monseigneur André WOUKING: un évêque aux odeurs de sainteté” by Christus Vivit. (Cf. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4fFxFet7aTg). These documentaries are very important in promoting the cause of beatification and in enlightening the people of God about Bishop Paul Etoga as Pastores Gregis number 29 has recommended. Secondly, I humbly suggest that you could set up a commission as early as possible to begin this documentation on the beatification cause of Christian Cardinal Tumi.”

Finally, I concluded the 32-page open missive with a prayer for the beatification of Christian Cardinal Tumi in the following words: “O God, fount of all holiness, make us each walk worthily in our vocation, through the intercession of your Saints, on whom you bestowed a great variety of graces on earth. Having graced your Church with the life of your priest, bishop and cardinal: Christian Wigyhan Tumi, grant that by their intercession this humble flock of the Ecclesiastical Province of Douala, the Church in Cameroon and the universal church may reach where the brave shepherd has gone. Grant that your Church may proclaim them saints, living in your presence and interceding for us. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.” I thanked Archbishop Kleda for his consideration to this important matter in the life of the Ecclesiastical Province of Douala and the Catholic Church in Cameroon in particular and the universal church in general. I also thanked him in advance for having taken time out of his very busy schedule to peruse the 32-page open missive.

Nchumbonga George Lekelefac, Doctorandus, University of Münster, Germany; Europe/ USA Chief Correspondent of the SUN Newspaper; Founder/ CEO of Nchumbonga Lekelefac Institute of Research, Documentation, Language and Culture, USA.


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